Our mission and vision

Cancer impacts 1 in 3 men, and 1 in 4 women

What if you were facing cancer?
It might turn your life upside down and leave you with many questions.
Getting the best treatment might seem straightforward, yet determining the optimal treatment path for you is anything but simple.
My Cancer Navigator leaves no one to face cancer alone

Our mission

Empowering patients to make informed decisions about their treatment options.

Our vision

Everyone diagnosed with cancer deserves to fully understand their treatment possibilities. To facilitate this, every patient should have access to a navigator service, to clarify the diagnostic and treatment pathways, supported by scientific data.

What My Cancer Navigator does

We answer therapy-related questions from patients and their loved ones, of any age, with any type of cancer, from anywhere in the world, and communicate in Dutch, French and English.

We support physicians and healthcare professionals who wish to explore treatment options for their patients, and seek answers to their queries.

We offer our service for free, making it accessible to everyone.

Our core values


We empower people with cancer who actively request our support by giving them the information they need to make therapy decisions.


We explore and answer all questions openly, without prejudice and rely on solid scientific research.


We are genuine, treat every interaction with respect and empathy, handle information with discretion, and deeply value the trust placed in us.


We are free from political, social, religious or economic influences, not tied to a any university or research institute, nor do we have no commitments towards the pharmaceutical industry. Our funding comes solely from unconditional donations.

My Cancer Navigator is the information service of the Anticancer Fund, a Belgian non-profit organisation with an international scope.

About the Anticancer Fund